Utu na Usawa Trust (UNUT) is an organization committed to a world where gender equality and human rights are
acceptable as the norm among all irrespective of race or creed.

- Through its programs, the UNUT runs activities which revolve around community senistization and education work; advocacy and campaigning to challenge unequal power relations between men and women leading to the transformation of harmful / negative masculinities into positive ones; all in a bid to put an end to sexual and gender-based violence; end all forms of harmful traditional or cultural practices and ultimately promote human rights for all within our communities.
Further it focuses on activties that empower rural women economically thus help reduce over dependence / over reliance on their male partners.

Seeks to uphold and advance women’s empowerment, gender equality and human rights in rural Kenya
To influence, mobilize, inform and transform the men, women, girls and boys within our Kenyan society on the basis of gender equality by laying emphasis on human rights and its principles
Utu na Usawa Trust believes in the values of integrity, inclusivity and respect for diversity. At the UNUT, we do not discriminate anyone on the basis of race, religious affiliation or sexual orientation. We engage with all people in the society and apply the 3 values mentioned above in our engagements with all without fear or favour.